Thomas Cater
A social justice and community activist with strong roots in the community. Known for working with, encouraging and mentoring young people of all ages and diversities. Thomas Cater has been involved in the martial arts for over 35 years. He has been competing and teaching Kung Fu for over 25 years. He got interested in martial arts as a kid watching kung fu at the Publix theater located in Boston’s Chinatown district. He started training in the martial arts at an early age with his legendary Uncle Abraham Mandre founder of Boston’s inner-city Tae Kwan Do Academy (located in Roxbury’s Grove Hall). He fell in love with Kung Fu after watching Carl Scott doing Leopard Fist in “Soul Brothers of Kung Fu” in 1977.
– Assistant instructor at Fitness Essentials Northeast Dragons (Sifu Malcolm Lucas)
– A member of the COOL JC Security Team
– Boston Citizen Schools after school Martial Arts instructor
– COOL JC Social Justice Coordinator Region 1 (Massachusetts)
– Shelburne Community Center Tai Chi Seniors Program instructor
– Citations from the cities New Bedford and Boston, MA
– Third degree black belt in Pai Lum/ White Dragon Fist Kung Fu (Sifu Clarence Cooper)
– Black Belt in Clawfist Gung Fu (Sijo S. Key)

Sharyl Geisert
Owner and chief instructor at White Tiger Karate located in Franklin, NH. Through her efforts she has enhanced the lives of many children as well as adults. Compassion and helping people has been a life long journey and commitment for Sifu Sharyl. She has had the pleasure of serving her community as teacher, coach, fire fighter/EMT, and youth care specialist. She has become a leader in issues such as ADHD, ADD, behavioral issues, anger management, and physical adaptations. She works with professional groups from the medical field including Health First Family Care Center, Genesis Behavioral Health, and Spaulding Youth Center. She has a Bachelor of Arts in Physical Education and Health and her Master’s of Science in Recreation and Leisure with Therapeutic Recreation as her specialty. Sifu Sharyl teaches students to set and attain higher standards for themselves and for those around them in all aspects of their lives. She teaches the importance of giving back to the community by donating free classes in martial arts and women’s self defense and donates thousands of dollars to families in need through various fundraisers. She was chosen as “One of the top women you should know in NH” for her outstanding commitment to the safety and well being of her community and was chosen as “Woman of Achievement, 2012.” White Tiger Karate has received several awards as the top martial arts school in the area and celebrated it’s 15th year as a school in 2019.
Sifu Sharyl began training in the martial arts in the early 1980’s. Since then she has studied various martial arts styles such as Karate, Kung Fu, Jiu Jitsu, Kempo, Kenpo, Krav Maga, Muay Thai, and Tai Kwon Do and holds various ranks in each. Sifu Sharyl focuses primarily on teaching Pai Lum Kung fu while sharing some skills from the many other arts she still studies and enjoys. Sifu Sharyl was certified by AWSDA as a rape prevention instructor and continues to train and teach in personal self-defense.
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